Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Slowing down

Well we're into our last week and a half here and I'm going to answer a few comments right now.

Its nice to know I'm missed back home and I really can't wait to show everyone all the pictures I've taken. At the moment I'm at 764 pictures and two and a half hours of video. I've tried lots of interesting foods like Viener Schnitzel in Vienna but have yet to have a Frankfurter in Frankfurt. I had this spinach soup kind of thing and it was actually pretty good considering I hate spinach.

We took a tour of an old monastary today. The tour guide was a rather large phone-shaped device. It was interesting and here's a picture from there:

This is the dining hall. It once had big tables but there's chairs in it now because they use it for stuff.


Joanne (True Blue) said...

but have yet to have a Frankfurter in Frankfurt.

How about a hamburger from Hamburg?

thebruce0 said...

that photo is so seren it looks like it's out a magazine... looking forward to seeing a lot of your photography ;)

only 700 photos? And you've been there how long? Now if those are filtered and they're -all- quality shots, then I can respect the quantity ;) hehe

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Yeah, that is a beautiful shot for sure. Marc has another talent.

Marc said...

I liked that one too but sadly not all are great pictures. My LCD screen is really bad so its hard to even tell if pictures are in focus or not. Keep in mind I'm swapping between a still camera and a video camera while pushing a wheelchair :)

Joanne (True Blue) said...

You're doing an awesome job, Marc! I'm so looking forward to seeing you and Leanne again!

Anonymous said...

speaking of "Slowing down" I guess that refers to the frequency of new postings to your blog, eh Marc? :-)

yes, we are missing you guys, and look forward to your return in a weeks time. will be cool to see the pictures and the video too.

beautiful weather here now, with cooler nights and sunny days in the week ahead.