I'm really starting to get worried about living in this country. I mean with all the government scandals that have been happening here in the last little while I am truly worried about the future of democracy here. When you hear stories about Liberal MPs bribing Conservative MPs to pull them over to their side, and them actually accepting the offer, it really makes my skin crawl. Then you hear interviews with people like Karen Redman that have admitted them will put forward their personal views ahead of majority of the people they represent for what they believe is the "greater good". That's NOT what their job is, and that is not democracy.... more like... democrazy! Ok, that was lame :P But you just wait, next election no one will care at all about this and they will happily elect a Liberal government because they're too scared of change! Am I the only one who thinks this is crazy? BAH!
Well today is the big Queenston youth trip and I am stuck here at home because I have to work tonight. BAH again! Oh well, at least I got to see everyone off... and yes I did come to see EVERYONE off (:P James lol) although I was especially happy to see one certain individual. At least its nice weather so they're hopefully having a good time. I would have probably gone if we would have been back before 7. I hope this job doesn't ruin too much of my summer. I don't mind the job, its just the freaky hours and missing out on stuff that I don't like. Oh well, there's lots of summer left.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
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Oh man... who were you happy to see??? Was it Geoff, 'cause he is pretty rad....
I also completely agree with you about our stupid government and all... I wish we could get some change! We have SO much on common! We should be friends!
- a certain individual
Heh heh "democrazy" is right! It really is scary to see what's happening to this country. We got something in our mailboxes at church yesterday about how religious freedoms are being compromised - some of which I already knew. Like about a teacher in a public school losing his job because he wrote a letter to the editor in his local paper against same-sex marriage! And like the Knights of Columbus group (a Catholic group) being sued because they refused to rent their hall to a same-sex couple for their wedding reception because it went against their beliefs. How can things like this happen in a country that supposedly holds the Charter so dear which is supposed to protect religious freedom? It's democrazy!
I'm actually at school right now... how crazy is that!?! I am writing to say hi, as well as that I actually thought the use of that "word" democrazy was slightly wittier than you gave yourself credit for. Good stuff. hi Marc! <- that was from Maggie. My friends are reading over my shoulder! Hi friends! So yeah... I am wasting time.... I am also sending you a secret and obvious message with my mind! Hooray?
____ Leanne
Gay marriage and abortions for all! Tiny American flags for no one! Vive la Liberals!!!!!!!!! Thank whatever deities (if any) that you believe in that you live in Canada.....the country where women can choose without being harrassed (so far), the country where homosexual men and women can obtain the same rights as you and I (so far), the country where some politicians refuse to tow the party line (so far). If you don't like the ability to speak up about your rights, or offer the same rights to others, and if you don't like religious freedom to worship whomever the hell you want without being called a terrorist or anything else terrible, or you don't like the decision to choose your life's path, then I ask why you want to be in a country where you, and everyone else, gets to have these rights. If you enjoy living in a state of constant fear, government pandering to those groups which want other people's private rights taken away, and obvious propaganda, please choose the appropriate company...err...country. You are of course welcome to stay in this beautiful land, since democracy is about differing opinions and such, and differing opinions and questioning the government and society can lead to progress. Personally I, and many others in fact, believe that there are certain minority rights that must be upheld, which do include gay marriage and abortion and the right to switch political sides if the majority of constituents want it (as in Ms. Stronach's case). You also need to realize the value you can get from questioning the media which you receive your information from. Never stop asking questions, that way you won't start to believe certain misrepresentations that can have you believe in something you may in fact be against. I would go on, but I feel I've added enough of a differing point of view. So enjoy!
Interesting how I never even mentioned gay marriage or abortion but you're attacking me on it for some reason. I only mentioned how the Liberal government is has some obvious corruption issues which you can see by watching any Canadian news channel any day of the week. I was going to delete that comment since it's kinda unrelated but you are entitled to your opinion
From anonymous' earlier post:
"You also need to realize the value you can get from questioning the media which you receive your information from. Never stop asking questions..."
Excellent and surprising advice from someone whose opinions are perfectly formed Liberal Party talking points as dutifully propagandized by the state-funded, Liberal-staffed CBC.
I would suggest he/she turn off the TV and the X-Box read a few history books.
WOW!!!! whoever that was who left that rant that marc was talking about. YIKES... no offence man.. but you are dumb! I terms of all the abortion and gay marriage stuff you referenced, well that is all personal opinion based onmorals and religion, so 'm not going to touch that cuz it is such an abstract topic. However.. when you talk about the democracy and the way the government is run and stuff to do with the states... MAN ARE YOU WRONG!!! this isn't the time and place to get into this, but i'm a triple univeristy major and two fo those are in political science and economics. Believe when i say you're type of thinking is what is ruining many lives in canada and most likely even you're own. You sound like moron michael moore who jsut takes everything out of context and doesn't provide proof or a look from the other side. My advice to you is ead up on your stuff and learn something valuable. otherwise refrain from posting stupid comments like that on public bulliten boards! ;)
Heh, triple major? I'm honours economics and not allowed another major without having to give up a lot of core stuff..... Always humourous when someone with lots of grammatical errors in their post comments on other people's intelligence levels.
So the ranter person might not have gone about the subject in the right way, but they were reading between the lines of Marc's post (i.e. something an intelligent person would do), they just weren't very coherent about it. Just becuase a person isn't skilled at rhetoric doesn't mean their opinions are wrong.
I know that abortion is a personal issue. Marriage rights, however, are an issue of the nation. I say if you are heterosexual and you can marry, why stop your homosexual brothers and sisters from reaching the same joy? I don't necessarily have a problem with churches not marrying homosexuals as they discriminate in other areas. I'm not saying it's right for chrurches to discriminate, cuz it's not, but I'm not going to go on about that because that's not what I'm getting at. I just think that if you prech to be a good Christian, or follower of another faith, it is quite hypocritical to be fighting to take the rights away from others that you have.
An by the way, trying to impress me by your so called triple major is just a fruitless attempt. I'm not impressed at all, or in any way. Your triple major does not make you a better person, nor does it make me respect you. I too have a university education, and I'm sure I go to the same school as you. One thing I must say about your mentioning of political science is this: political science is not a cut and dry subject, just like the politics of this great nation. You may have learned the same things as others in your classes, but you have interpreted them using your own morals and ideas. This is fine, as long asa you don't forget to see your peer's viewpoints. I do see the religious side of gay marriage and the conseratives side of the sponsorship scandal. Just because I have a differing point of view does not mean I always agree with the Liberals. In my last post I was going over the top in my first sentences just to prove that there are other points of view.
Yes, I was reading between the lines on Marc's initial post since I felt that these underlying topics should be discussed. I know that most of Marc's friends who post on here are deeply religious and have a conservative viewpoint, which is fine, it's a free country. I just wanted to show that there are those of us with a different point of view. Just because we have a differing view does not mean that we are unsociable, or mean, or insane.
"I just think that if you prech to be a good Christian, or follower of another faith, it is quite hypocritical to be fighting to take the rights away from others that you have."
Actually, what would be hypocritical would be to claim to love and trust God, but to renounce his Word in which he quite clearly outlines his plan for marriage which is to be between a man and his wife (not a man and his wife or husband).
And about discrimination -- well everybody discriminates constantly:
- if you're 10 years old, you can't drive a car because you don't fit the category (people who are 16 or older)
- if you don't have kids you can't collect Child Tax Benefits because you don't fit the category
- if you're 300 pounds you can't be a flyweight in boxing because you don't fit the category
All of those forms of discrimination are to protect or give benefits to certain groups. 10 year olds aren't tall enough to reach the pedels on a car, and aren't mature enough to understand the consequences of their actions. Child tax credits help people who have kids; if they went to everyone, there wouldn't be a credit for having kids, making kids more expensive to have, and reducing any incentive to have them. 300 lb boxers would kill everyone in a lower category; it doesn't make it entertaining if they can beat on little people. This restriction makes it so that there can be a place for people with lower weights to box. These incentives and restrictions don't punish any group for being one way or another; adoptive parents can still have tax credits even though they're infertile, people can still drive when they're old enough regardless of their race or gender, and people can box regardless of their weight and not be unfairly punished for their genetic weight predisposition.
Now, for gay marriage, it helps give certain groups of people the right to form bonds between each other. Religion does not belong in such a discussion, because we are in a Western secular country, not some Middle Eastern Muslim country. So, from a moral relativism standpoint, it wouldn't make sense to not let them marry, as their doing so has no appreciable effect on anyone else. It's like telling people they aren't allowed to hang their toilet paper with the paper coming down the back in their own house; it doesn't have any effect on you, so you shouldn't bitch about it. I'm not so sure that it is right for the government to force churches to have gay weddings if they don't believe in them, but civil ceremonies should to be allowed.
Funny how with both of us called "anonymous" it seems like it's one person having a discussion with himself. ;-)
You said: "...adoptive parents can still have tax credits even though they're infertile, people can still drive when they're old enough regardless of their race or gender, and people can box regardless of their weight and not be unfairly punished for their genetic weight predisposition."
Sure, but I think you're making my point because, for example, a person can still box if they're 300 lbs, but if they say "No, I insist on being in the flyweight category or I am being unfairly discriminated against based on my weight" they will still not be allowed. Likewise, same-sex couples should have all of the benefits that other co-habitating people have, but for title of "marriage" to be given to their relationship -- well they just don't fit the category.
I agree with you that it doesn't make sense to ask people who don't care what God thinks to base their decisions or laws on values found in the Bible or Koran or Torah. In my post that wasn't what I was saying at all. I was just saying that when you said it's hypocritial for faith-based people to not endorse gay marriage, actually the opposite is true because it would be hypocritical to go against God's Word and say "well okay if you really want to".
You said "it wouldn't make sense to not let them marry, as their doing so has no appreciable effect on anyone else".
Unfortunately that is what many Canadians believe but that is actually far from reality. Since the courts overstepped their bounds and same-sex marriages began taking place in some provinces, there have already been many examples of how it does affect other people.
There have been cases of government workers losing their jobs because they wouldn't perform same-sex marriages. Teachers have lost their jobs because they wouldn't talk about same-sex marriages as being an acceptable choice. Organizations have been sued because they wouldn't rent their halls for a same-sex wedding reception. It is only a matter of time before churches, mosques, and synagogs lose their charitable donation status because they will be seen (as you see them) as discriminatory institutions and those cannot be charities.
Religious freedom is one of the things explicitly protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms unlike sexual orientation which has just been read into it and isn't actually in it at all. And that freedom is being stomped on by this agenda the Liberals have. And by the way, the Liberal stance on this issue a few years ago was to be in favour of the traditional definition of marriage. They don't care about this in terms of an equality issue -- they just care about the tourism dollars it will bring in, and about the special interest groups, who have this as an agenda, funding their party.
There has been some talk that maybe the Liberals may make some ammendments to the bill that would supposedly prevent some of the bad things from happening if the bill is passed. However, nothing they are proposing is actually within their jurisdiction! They haven't protected against religious institutions losing their charitable donation status, which is one thing that is actually a federal jursidiction issue.
This will be the last I have to say on this because I don't think this was the idea the host of this blog had for the blog.
"Actually, what would be hypocritical would be to claim to love and trust God, but to renounce his Word in which he quite clearly outlines his plan for marriage which is to be between a man and his wife (not a man and his wife or husband)."
Hmm....did I say that I love and trust God in anything I said????? Nope! Don't put words in my mouth please. Just because I'm not religious does not mean I am not a good person. Since I believe that a truely loving god would want all his people to be happy, I am not being hypocritical by saying that homosexuals should have the same rights as me or you.
Also, there are two of us "anonymous people advocating gay marriage here, not just one, as you seem to assume. We belive that those who are attracted to others of the same sex should be able to have the same label applied to their relationship that will be applied to ours. Marriage is no longer is applied to those couples that are married in a church. You can live together for a certain period of time and be referred to as married. You can get married in a park, or at city hall, or anywhere, and be called married. I'm not saying that churches have to marry homosexuals, I'm saying that it should be a fundamental right that homosexuals can be called married. By calling gay marriages civil unions, you are segregating a part of the population that cannot help the way they feel. There was a recent study done and they found that homosexuality is a genetic issue. It's like saying your country can't marry an African or Oriental couple. It's just pure discrimination.
Think about this: How would you like it if you were homosexual and wanted to get married? You love your significant other just as much as you would if you were heterosexual. You can still adopt, thus having children. Or, if you are woman, there are sperm banks. Would you like it if some random person told you that because you were born a certain way, your love and devotion for your significant other cannot be defined in the same way as a heterosexual's? Would you want that other person to be in your business? I sure wouldn't.
One more thing: What if you had a gay child? What do you tell them? That they cannot be like mommy and daddy? That they cannot be married? I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty upset if I had a gay child and I had to watch them put up with such a stupid stigma.
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