Monday, June 06, 2005

Wow people actually read this?

I'm actually getting comments on here. I'm suprised. Someone even actually cared enough about my last post to write a massive rant about how wrong I am (although it didn't make much sense). Thank you very much anonymous commenter :)

edit: I don't want this to turn into a political debate blog so that will be the last political comment I make on here :P

So tonight we'll be working on our third year project for school. I hope we get lots accomplished because we have insane amounts of things to do. I'll be happy as long as I don't have to move much... lousy 36 hours of work in 3 days.


Anonymous said...

I read this! Yay?

Marc said...

And I thank you for it. As long as you read it at least I will continue writing :)

Anonymous said...

You have another fan that checks in a reads once in a while too. And I'm not your fan just because I'm you uncle, either!