Friday, September 30, 2005


Hello my reader(s?)

Just thought i'd give a little update as to what new and crazy things have been happening with me...

Well my official youth responsibilities are now over. Its a strange feeling knowing that I will have saturdays off now. I'm so used to saturday being youth night now that it kinda makes me sad that I left. But everyone has to move on as some point. I feel like I didn't get my total alloted youth time because I joined so late. It was the middle of grade 11 before I started coming regularly. I had so many good times there and they people I met changed my life forever... heck if it wasn't for the youth I would never have met Leanne! That in itself is more than worth the time and effort I put into leading the past 2 years. I've been blessed so much by the youth group. Its so sad that so many people never get to experience anything like a youth group. Its a time of your life when you need people around you your age and with your beliefs to build you up. When you're stuck around people that constantly swear and talk about revolting things all day at school you need that time to just have good clean fun.

The current youth group is FAR less clique-ish than the young adults group. I'm sorry to any of the YA's reading this but thats just how I see it... I don't feel like I fit in there. Talking to them one on one or in small groups is great, they're really nice people, but as a group its just so different. Which is why I really don't intend to attend YA regularly... maybe once in a while... we'll see. Don't me wrong though, I'm not bitter or angry at any of them. It just doesn't feel like a family to me.


thebruce0 said...

I'd encourage both of you to come to this year's YA... things are changing :) I totally agree that YA had that feel before, which was why I was iffy on attendance... but I have a really good feeling about this year. Granted we've only had one official event so far this year at Sarah's, and 10 people came, exec included. (neither of you came to YA camp either, shocking ;)

Anyway, yeah - come out for a bit this year and see if things are changing. We had our first exec meeting, and it really seems like there's gonna be a paradigm shift in the group... should be good :)

Marc said...

Yeah I'm sure i'll make it out soon. I'm willing to give it another shot

Anonymous said...

Marc you have no idea how lucky you are to be a part of something so amazing like a youth group, not just a youth group but a functional one. I have never experainced that and I wish I could have. I think I can relate to what you are saying about the YA's as it sounds very much close to the youth group I was apart of. I think its great that you had somewhere to go every saturday night to hang out and worship with other Christians our age :)